Tuesday, September 30, 2014

It has been been a solid 2 weeks since Mommy and Daddy have been able to do a complete and thorough update on Delaney. First off Mommy and Daddy are thrilled to say that Delaney is happy, laughing, full of love and over all, is doing great! A full 8 weeks have passed since Delaney's feeding tube was removed, (after being placed for a year) and now is starting to become a bad memory for all of us. Delaney's last weight check was on Friday, September 26th. She weighs 30lbs. 9oz. Up 3oz from her lowest weight (30lbs. 6oz.). We are optimistic, hoping, and praying that her weight has stabilized and will now finally begin trending upward, gaining weight. She will be weighed again on Friday. This last week Delaney has reached 1000 calories per day, her primary source of nutrition remains puréed foods, milk, and a few solid foods. Physically, Delaney is making progress after she lost the ability to walk over a year ago, Mommy and Daddy are able to watch Delaney walk small distances through out the house unassisted, such a beautiful thing to watch. As a family we try to regain or adapt to our "new normal" but there are many challenges still faced each day due to Delaney's brain operation, chemotherapy and radiation. As hard and challenging as the days are, we are blessed and thankful for Delaney's prognosis, progress, and the ability to regain her physical abilities and health. It is what she gave up during treatment, in order to become healthy again. We as a family are grateful to each and every one of you, beyond words, for the support and love you have given Delaney. Thank you for all the prayers, love, and support. As always ..... GO TEAM DELANEY!!!

"And though she be but LITTLE, she is FIERCE!"

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Team Delaney has partnered with Mamas Night Out - A Benefit to Unravel Pediatric Cancer for an amazing event in Livermore. For each ticket purchased using " Team D" promotion code during your check out $20 dollars will go to Delaney for her recovery and therapy.

Saturday, October 18, 2014 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM The Barn 3131 Pacific Ave Livermore, CA 94550

A little bit about Unravel Pediatric Cancer... Unravel is a nonprofit organization working to spread knowledge about the grim realities of pediatric cancer and the devastating impact from the lack of funding. We supply the information, tools and support to individuals and communities that want to help create change– because good people want to do good things but sometimes they need help getting started. All monies raised by and for Unravel will go directly to the fight against pediatric cancer. http://unravelpediatriccancer.org/

To purchase tickets click on link below.


"And though she be but LITTLE, she is FIERCE!"

Friday, September 12, 2014

On This Fierce Friday, It has been one year to day, that Delaney was at Oakland Kaiser, and already headed down for a 12 hour brain operation to remove a tumor, measuring 4cm X 5cm.

The operation was a success it was a 100% gross resection, we are so blessed and thankful. The resection was Delaney's biggest first step in her Fierce Fight. Later only to find out it was cancerous, and she was diagnosed with medulloblastoma. A nationally recognized protocol for treatment was to follow; 3 rounds of chemotherapy at Kaiser Oakland, 3 triple tandem chemotherapy treatments with 3 autologous bone marrow transplants and 28 days of focal radiation. Yes, the MRI is ugly, and brings about unexplainable emotions and memories for Mommy and Daddy, but it is an ugly truth, a truth that Delaney and other children are faced with, without choice, fiercely fighting for life.

Delaney's feeding tube has been out for almost 7 weeks now. Delaney is working very hard on her eating, it still remains challenging for her, Mommy and Daddy. Delaney has many, many challenges she still faces on a daily basis. We will continue to follow Delaney's lead, fiercely moving forward, on the slow road to recovery. Again we cannot thank each of you enough for all of the support you have give Delaney and our family. Thank you for all the prayers, love and support. As always.... GO TEAM DELANEY!!!!!

"And though she be but LITTLE, she is FIERCE!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

This month Team Delaney - Home Page will be going gold to support Delaney and Childhood Cancer. Join Delaney and others like her fight this battle by going gold.

"And though she be but LITTLE, she is FIERCE!"

Monday, September 8, 2014

365 Days of Fierce, and Counting!

Exactly 1 year ago today Delaney was admitted to the hospital and her FIERCE Fight began. Just a few days later Delaney would endure a 12 hour successful brain surgery followed by an aggressive treatment plan that included 6 rounds of chemotherapy, 28 days of focal radiation, MRIs, blood transfusions, stem cells, and so much more that no child should ever have to experience. As challenging and hard as it was for Delaney, she is now, as of today, 98 days Cancer Free!

We could not have done it without the support of family, friends, strangers now friends, communities around the country, businesses, nonprofits, co-workers, fundraisers, doctors, nurses, 4,500 plus Fierce Friday shirts, and of course the countless prayers and support we continue to see for Delaney. We are truly blessed to have our daughter surrounded by so many loving and caring people.

"And though she be but LITTLE, she is FIERCE!"


MRI Clear!!!

We received Delaney's MRI results this afternoon and she remains cancer free with no evidence of tumor! The wait for the MRI results feel crippling, making it hard to get through the day, but receiving such amazing news is a blessing, and makes it all go away. With a hug and a kiss to Delaney from Mommy and Daddy, and telling her, "I Love You." It is in these moments we are thankful for the innocence of a young child, to live life each day, perhaps not fully understanding exactly what is going on. Thank you for all the prayers, love and support. As always... GO TEAM DELANEY!!!

"And though she be but LITTLE, she is FIERCE!"