Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Day Update

Today started out early as usual, around 6am. It was a rough night for Mommy, waking up every few hours to stay on top of Delaney's antiemedics. Unfortunately, around 6:30am Delaney threw up. It is so hard to watch her get sick. But we comforted her and of course gave her oncologist a call to make sure we did not need to bring her back in. The vomiting is to be expected, but still never easy to watch. Delaney seemed to be in a good mood. Delaney and brother watched Monsters University while brother ate his breakfast. To our surprise, Delaney asked for some Cheerios and milk. She took a few good bites and was done. That is the most she has eaten in about 4 days. Next it was time to Heparin lock her Broviac and of course we could not get in to flush. 730am and already running into problems. We made some phone calls and were able to have our home health nurse come out to take a look, instead of driving out to Oakland Kaiser. Our home health nurse was able to come over within 30 minutes. When she arrived Delaney was asleep from all of the medication she has been getting to counteract the nausea. The nurse was able to use her professional experience, and techniques to get the lines to flush, not easy but she got it done. This is a huge relief for us, not only do we not have to take Delaney to the ER and expose her to germs that could get her sick from her blood counts dropping. She is able to stay at home, comfortable, with family, and not drive to the ER and stay in a room for hours waiting for the Broviac line to get unclotted. Delaney took a long nap, her body needs the rest. Chemotherapy is destroying not only bad cells but good healthy cells. This makes her sick and tire easy. While Delaney had a good long nap, Daddy ran some errands, and Mommy had snuck in some quality time with little Merlin. When Daddy got home Delaney was up in Mommy's arms headed back to her bed room to change her diaper. A few minutes went by, Mommy and Delaney had not come back out. So Daddy went and checked on them. Mommy was sitting on the floor, Delaney sitting in her lap, they were playing with hair bows. Mommy looked like she had been crying or was tearing, and so was Delaney. Daddy quickly asked what was wrong and Mommy explained that Delaney wanted to play with her hair bows, and began to try to put them in her hair as she had always done, but she could not get the bows to stay on her head. Delaney began to cry, she does not understand that her hair is gone and is falling out. Mommy with tears in her eyes could not explain to her 2 1/2 year old daughter in any way what was going on or in a way for her to understand. Delaney had a melt down, Mommy cried, Daddy cried as he walked down the hall, these are the moments that tear our hearts out and kick them across the floor. Fortunately Delaney has head bands and Mommy helped Delaney put bows on her head band. The just when we are at an emotional low, Delaney on her own accord, tries to walk, and is proud of herself. Many of you have seen the video. Delaney rested for the rest of the day and did not feel well enough to put her Sofia The First Dress costume on for Halloween. That is ok, we told her she could wear it when ever she wanted to. Trick or treaters came by and as they did Delaney wanted to be held by the window to watch everyone in their costumes and wave. This made her so happy. These are the are roller coaster of emotions that are experienced daily. Delaney always remains happy, and content with the simple things in life. She is relentless in her pursuit to keep it that way. Thank you for all the prayers, love, and support. As always.... GO TEAM DELANEY!!

"And though she be but LITTLE, she is FIERCE!

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