Monday, December 23, 2013

Sunday Update....

Today, is day minus 1. Delaney has received all of her chemotherapy for this round. Tomorrow will be day zero, when she receives her stem cells back. Last night was very rough, Delaney went to bed early, and was restless all night and she was up at 330 am. Mommy and Daddy are exhausted to say the least. She was nauseas this morning and did vomit at 8am. She them napped for a couple of hours. Today is a rest day, her body has been through so much and will now receive stem cells back and will have to work hard to graft them back in to place to produce more cells for the body. Delaney finished her regiment of baths this afternoon, this was done because one if the chemotherapy drugs Thiotepa is excreted through the skin and can cause redness and sores in the skin folds, up to 24 hours after the chemotherapy is given. Thankfully Delaney did not have that problem. The day went by slow, but Mommy and Daddy came with activities for Delaney to do while she is in bed. Her favorites were a book of silly animal faces and her light brite. She had another Broviac dressing change today along with both caps being changed. Delaney does so well with these changes the nurses were impressed. Delaney went to sleep at a somewhat normal time tonight, 8:45pm. We are hoping she sleeps well, she will need some good rest for the big day tomorrow. Mommy and Daddy are very anxious for tomorrow. We don't really know what to expect. Thank you for all of the love, prayers and support! GO TEAM DELANEY!

"And though she be but LITTLE, she is FIERCE!"

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