Friday, November 14, 2014

Smiles, smiles, smiles.

It has been a very, very, long, exhausting, emotional, and difficult year. Yet it remains a year that cannot be put into words. However, there were, and still are, two constants. Those two constants have been ever so profound in Delaney's character and those are her fierceness and most importantly her ability to smile in the most horrible of circumstances. As many of you have seen and probably agree with. Each day, she smiles brighter and bigger, reminding us, as a family, to seek out the positives in any circumstances, because the negativity can bring you down. It is interesting how much we can learn form a 3 year old child. There are two other little victories that Delaney has had since her last post, pertaining to her vision and hearing, where she had a 6 month post treatment follow up for both. Even though she has strabismus in her left eye, caused from the pressure of the tumor, Delaney has 20/20 vision. This is not always the case. And Delaney's hearing remains unaffected from the aggressive amounts of chemotherapy and radiation. Furthermore, Delaney is physically getting stronger, walking and playing. As for her eating, it is still a daily challenge, but the aversion to eating is losing its grip, as Delaney fiercely pushes forward. December 4th marks yet another day for another MRI. 3 months will have passed already since her last MRI. We thank each of you for continuing to walk with Delaney and our family through this journey. Thank you for all the prayers, love, and support. As always ..... GO TEAM DELANEY!!!

"And though she be but, LITTLE she is FIERCE!"

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