Friday, February 28, 2014

Admitted to Oakland...

Today, has been a very hard and stressful day for Delaney, Mommy, Daddy, and brother. The night was hard and Delaney woke up with a fever, which we were trying so hard to avoid. Since she is neutropenic she has no way to fight off any infection. We contacted the doctors and were told to bring her in right away. Since she's a BMT patient a fever to watch for on her is 100.4, she had 100.7. We grabbed our things, Delaney said "bye brother," and we got Delaney to Oakland where she was admitted to the pediatric floor. Delaney did cultures and she was started her on 4 different antibiotics for fear of a central line infection. Delaney has fought so hard during these 6 rounds of chemo without a fever until today so it has been very hard on Mommy, and Daddy to see her in more discomfort. Delaney is a fighter and we know she will kick this fever away but in the meantime the doctors want her admitted for at least another day or two so she can be closely monitored. Thank you for your prayers, support, and love.

"And though she be but LITTLE, she is FIERCE!"

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