Monday, January 20, 2014

Round 5 Day 2 Treatment Recap..

Yesterday was a good day. Delaney finished up her chemotherapy yesterday around 1pm FIERCE as ever. Again, yesterday, we had to give Delaney 3 baths, brush her teeth with sodium bicarbonate 4 times (it tastes like very thick salt water), do a Broviac dressing change do a linen change, push 700ml of formula through her NG tube and try to entertain her as best we could. Delaney had her ups and downs, but this is to be expected from a 2 1/2 year old who is stuck in a hospital bed. Mommy and Daddy, too had their ups and downs emotionally. The day went by fast and Delaney was asleep by 10pm. We were successful at having one day with no vomit. This is a huge success for Delaney as chemotherapy always makes her sick. She did not take anything by mouth yesterday, which is also to be expected. Monday is a day of rest for Delaney, followed by her Stem cell rescue at 3pm on Tuesday and hopefully discharge to go home to little brother Wednesday. Thank you for all of the love, prayers and support. We are very blessed to have such a big team! GO TEAM DELANEY!!

"And though she be but LITTLE, she is FIERCE!"

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