Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Morning Update

Delaney was admitted last night to begin cycle 3 of chemotherapy. As tough as it is to be admitted, Delaney was greeted with smiles and well wishes by the nurses on the pediatric ward floor. Yesterday, Delaney had a relaxing day spent at home with the family. This is what Mommy and Daddy wanted. While Delaney played with brother and relaxed Mommy and Daddy were busy packing all that we will need at the hospital, Delaney will still be on precautions from the c diff infection, so for the next 4 days and nights she cannot leave her room. Mommy and Daddy are going to do their best to keep Delaney happy while in the hospital bed. While Delaney napped yesterday, Mommy had an opportunity to go to the Cut for a Cure at Classic Images Salon. It was truly incredible the amount of support for Delaney. I was greeted by many familiar faces, as well as many unfamiliar faces. We are so grateful for each and every one of you! As the time got closer for us to leave we were packed and ready to go, but ready to go mentally and emotionally is another thing, it is still very hard and full of so many mixed emotions. Delaney napped on the way to the hospital and woke up in her room, she was a little anxious but Mommy and Daddy were able to calm her down and get her settled on. Before bed it was the normal height, weight, vital signs, hooking Delaney up to the monitor, cap changes, blood draw, and finally holding her up to IV fluids to pre-hydrate her before chemotherapy. It was a restless night for Delaney, Mommy, and Daddy. Delaney was up early with her game face on, and her eyes are alive with her fierceness! She is ready for round 3. Thank you for all the prayers, love, and support. As always........... GO TEAM DELANEY!!!!!!

"And though she be but LITTLE, she is FIERCE!"

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